Embark on a magical adventure through the enchanting cities of Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, with an added sprinkle of Disney magic at Disneyland Paris! Over 8 days and 7 nights, immerse yourself in the rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes of these diverse countries, topped off with the excitement of Disneyland. Begin your journey with 3 nights in the romantic capital of France, Paris, exploring iconic landmarks and indulging in French cuisine. Then, venture to the political hub of Belgium, Brussels, for 2 nights, before making your way to the dynamic city of Amsterdam, Netherlands, for 2 nights. Conclude your trip with a magical day at Disneyland Paris, where beloved Disney characters and thrilling attractions await. Get ready for a whirlwind exploration filled with wonder, excitement, and unforgettable memories!
3/4 Star Hotel
Embark on a magical adventure through the enchanting cities of Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, with an added sprinkle of Disney magic at Disneyland Paris! Over 8 days and 7 nights, immerse yourself in the rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes of these diverse countries, topped off with the excitement of Disneyland. Begin your journey with 3 nights in the romantic capital of France, Paris, exploring iconic landmarks and indulging in French cuisine. Then, venture to the political hub of Belgium, Brussels, for 2 nights, before making your way to the dynamic city of Amsterdam, Netherlands, for 2 nights. Conclude your trip with a magical day at Disneyland Paris, where beloved Disney characters and thrilling attractions await. Get ready for a whirlwind exploration filled with wonder, excitement, and unforgettable memories!
Trip Overview
- Disneyland
- Eiffel Tower
- Seine River
- Sample Belgian chocolates
- European Parliament
- Anne Frank House